Electric Mountainboard Build Part 4: Drivetrain and Layout

So the board finally arrived, which means I can start work on the hardware components of the build. First off, I would like to comment on how properly massive the mountainboard is compared to my regular longboards. The longboard you see above next to it is 40" long, and is by no means small even in longboard standards. The mountainboard positively towers over it in all dimensions, with a track nearly half a foot wider and far taller. The longboard could easily roll underneath the mountainboard, which gives you an idea of how large it is. Bindings are definitely unfamiliar to me, and the large track and tires give a very distinct feel to the board unlike that of a regular RKP or TKP board. In this log, I will cover work done to the drive train, as well as mounting solutions explored for the boxes. For the previous part, click here ! Wheel Sprockets The wheel sprockets are one of the more difficult portions of the build, as it's crucial to get it precise enough to spin correctl...